Press Release

Centers For Age Control Inc.



New System Monitors COVID-19 Risk and Functional Age

Noninvasively with 16 Immediate Results

Few people can take a COVID-19 test every day or even every week or month. A person with a negative result will not know if infected later or even shortly before the test. The HealthMeter™ reduces that risk with daily noninvasive physiological self-monitoring of 16 COVID-19 indicators and risk factors, including functional age vs. birth age, high frequency hearing loss, mental confusion, short term memory, lung function, blood oxygen, heart rate, blood pressure, body fat, etc.

Las Vegas, NV, January 10, 2021 The HealthMeter™ is built on technology of the global cloud-based AgeMeter® Functional Age Test for longevity therapy and research; now on all inhabited continents, North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and Oceania.

Among its deadly effects, COVID-19 harms many of the same abilities that are harmed by aging. Every AgeMeter Functional Age test result happens to also be a COVID-19 risk factor or indicator. Centers For Age Control added additional COVID-19 tests to complete the COVID-19 HealthMeter.

The AgeMeter Global Cloud Database is anonymously updated every time each test is taken anywhere in the world. Therefore, every test and every viewing of previous tests has results based on calculations using the latest content of the AgeMeter Cloud Database.

That connectivity has also helped to enable optional remote monitoring of HealthMeter tests by healthcare providers for personnel or clients in companies, hotels, nursing homes, etc.

No supervision of the test subject is required. Video and audio guidance explain each test.

See more details on the HealthMeter and the AgeMeter and links to related scientific studies and reports at

- CDC COVID-19 page link: Even before a COVID-19 test, the U.S. Centers For Disease Control (CDC) advises seeking emergency medical care immediately in case of trouble breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion, inability to wake or stay awake, bluish lips or face.
- NIH link on high frequency hearing loss as a COVID-19 indicator in some asymptomatic people.
- Harvard Medical School link with expanded list of COVID-19 symptoms.
- NIH link on Silent hypoxia, explaining how some people appear to be asymptomatic for COVID-19 while having dangerously low blood oxygen.
- A link on Hypoxemia, explaining how some people compensate for low blood oxygen with a potentially unhealthy faster heart rate.
- A medical journal link explaining how COVID-19 can induce permanent short term memory loss, muscle injury, brain injury and other damage.

Other Key AgeMeter features and benefits:

- Advances aging reversal research worldwide as a perpetually expanding global aging study via AgeMeter Cloud Database.
- The AgeMeter can be foundational for age research with its database approach that can be customized.

Contact Information:
Centers for Age Control Inc.
Elliott Small

Disclaimer: This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, nor is it intended to substitute for the judgment of a healthcare professional. Consult your physician regarding your results.